You might already know that our Fresh Flower Vapes are a perfect match for our Classic Caliva flower, with real cannabis-derived terpenes extracted from the same plants grown here at Caliva. With no additives or artificial ingredients, these 100% cannabis vapes are a great way to enhance just about any meal or activity. We went on the ‘Gram and interviewed 10 of our favorite content creators about their relationship with weed, why they love Fresh Flower Vape, and what kind of activity they like to pair it with. Read on to find out!


Em Frederick – @adventurisem

Em is a professional writer and travel blogger based in Los Angeles. She has written for brands such as Airbnb, Uniqlo, Netflix and Coca-Cola. Besides traveling, Em’s hobbies include taking hula hooping classes, and eating entire packs of Jell-O. She hopes to inspire others to live life one unexpected moment at a time, and credits cannabis for fostering her curiosity.


Caliva has a shaman who blesses their plants with good vibes every Wednesday. What are some fun things you do to bring positive energy and good vibes, especially in recent months pertaining to our current circumstances?

Em: Whenever I need to summon good vibes, I head straight to the bathtub. Ever since I was little, baths have always been a key part of my mental health routine. Now more than ever, I'm so appreciative that I can load up the water with oils, salts, or CBD, and escape for a little bit. I even have a little slab of wood that fits across the top so I can write on my laptop in there!  

Cannabis reminds me to wonder at everything and to ask every stupid question.

Does cannabis help to inspire you to be creative?

Em: The biggest enemy to my creativity is the little voice of criticism in my head that filters my ideas. Cannabis helps me keep that voice at bay so I can think freely and let my imagination go wherever it wants. Cannabis reminds me to wonder at everything and to ask every stupid question. There's nothing as inspiring as being able to see ordinary things with a new lens.

Terpenes are like aromas that help to create the taste and smell to enhance the effects of Fresh Flower Vapes. What are some food and cannabis pairings you enjoy? Any favorite pairing recipes?

Em: I honestly haven't explored specific food pairings with specific strains of cannabis - or, I should say, I haven't intentionally! But food has always been such a huge part of my life and how I experience the world. It's hard to be a travel lover and not be a foodie!

During quarantine, I fell in love with cooking all over again and cannabis has been a really large part of that. When I smoke I can tell the difference so clearly between artificial flavors and natural ingredients. I actually find that I subconsciously eat slower because I'm spending so much time appreciating each bite!

The happiest moments are the ones I can say there’s no place else I’d rather be.
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No matter how you choose to enjoy your cannabis, the feeling you get when you encounter your happy moment is unmistakable. What does your happy moment look like or feel like?

Em: My happiest moments are the ones when I'm not thinking about anywhere or anything else. I always want to punch everyone who tells people to just "live in the moment" (as if it's that simple!), but it scares me how much of my life I spend thinking about what I should be doing or where I should be. It could be a party I feel guilty about skipping, an email I know I need to send but I can't stop watching TV, or a country I wish I could visit. It's almost as if I'm living in constant FOMO mode!

Although, I feel like this quote would be on a cheesy embroidered pillow, the happiest moments are the ones I can say there's no place else I'd rather be ( laugh love...). Those moments don't happen often enough, but their scarcity is part of what makes them so great.

Is anything else you'd like to include about your relationship with cannabis/vaping?

Em: I'm excited to spread the word about a product that has played such a huge role in developing and fostering my curiosity - something I couldn't live without as a writer. Just like anything in life, my relationship with cannabis has grown and evolved over the years, and I can't wait to see where we go next!

You can follow Em at @adventurisem on Instagram.

You can follow Em at @adventurisem on Instagram.

Is there anything else you'd like to include about your relationship with cannabis/vaping?

Em: I'm excited to spread the word about a product that has played such a huge role in developing and fostering my curiosity - something I couldn't live without as a writer. Just like anything in life, my relationship with cannabis has grown and evolved over the years, and I can't wait to see where we go next!

Brooke Burgstahler – @Brookestellar

Brooke Burgstahler is an actor, comedian and producer who has appeared on various networks including MTV, ABC, AMC, TBS and Netflix. She’s appeared in Black-ish, General Hospital and the Oscar-nominated film “I Lost My Body”. As a cannabis advocate and activist, Brooke produced Prisoner of Prohibition, a documentary about those serving life sentences for cannabis convictions. A yogi at heart, Brooke’s mantra is “May all beings everywhere be happy and free”.

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Caliva has a shaman who blesses their plants with good vibes every Wednesday. What are some fun things you do to bring positive energy and good vibes, especially in recent months pertaining to our current circumstances?

Brooke: Life is asking a lot of all of us right now, and it's wildly important to tend to our own mental health so that we can step up and better serve the world. To stay positive and clear, I meditate every morning when I wake up, I write my feelings out and mantras for the day, I make sure to tell the people in my life how much I love and appreciate them, and to really blast off into a positive space I get creative – writing, crafting, collaging, gardening, singing, cooking, etc.

Getting into that flow state allows me to become a channel for goodness, joy, and love, and enables me to share that with others more easily. That's not to say there's no bad days, but when that time hits it's such a powerful thing to have a tool box full of modalities to bring me back into better alignment with my best self.

Cannabis allows me to settle my woes and drop in deeper to an authentic creative space of calmed inspiration.

Does cannabis help to inspire you to be creative?

Brooke: Cannabis is my creative accomplice, when I have inhibitions or doubts, cannabis allows me to settle my woes and drop in deeper to an authentic creative space of calmed inspiration. She also enhances, elevates, and allows for more enjoyment when exploring your own creativity, or that of others!

Terpenes are like aromas that help to create the taste and smell to enhance the effects of Fresh Flower Vapes. What are some food and cannabis pairings you enjoy? Any favorite pairing recipes?

Brooke: I used to be a cannabis and coffee girl (someone once called that the Hippie speedball) but I've recently transitioned to weed and tea, an herbal refreshment of sorts. I love to sip on some nice rose tea during my session – not only to blend floral essences for a total terpene cocktail, but also to have something warm and liquid to comfort my throat and keep her nice and moist!

I really dig the company’s ethos and emphasis on positivity towards the plants and people working for the brand...

Have you used Caliva products before?

Brooke: I adore Caliva – I have to shamelessly say I am in love with the packaging and graphics. I'm a creative type, and can really get down with a good color scheme!! I'm also a flower gal, and Caliva delivers exceptional bud-- my favorite being the Dogwalker pre-rolls. Convenient and cute all in one. Other things I love about Caliva you ask? I really dig the company's ethos and emphasis on positivity towards the plants and people working for the brand, and I REALLY dig the fact that Jay-Z has got a hand in the whole thing.

Find Brooke on Instagram at @brookestellar.

Find Brooke on Instagram at @brookestellar.

No matter how you choose to enjoy your cannabis, the feeling you get when you encounter your happy moment is unmistakable. What does your happy moment look like or feel like?

Brooke: Happy to me is that feeling of being settled in the present, comfortably, and at ease. One reason I love and return to cannabis is that it calms my running mind and drops me into the moment with more focus, clarity, understanding, and sweetness. I am happiest when I am soft and centered within myself, and can offer that same energy to those around me.

CJ Johnson – @cjjohnsonjr

CJ Johnson is best known for documenting his globe-trotting adventures while spreading the word of empowerment. He found success as an award-winning creative director, producer and writer working on countless music, film and television projects. Among other accolades, CJ has been featured in publications such as Huffington Post, Fast Company, Forbes and Vice. CJ is also a GQ Insider and Google Next-Gen Policy Leader, contributing his influence to social change.


Caliva has a shaman who blesses their plants with good vibes every Wednesday. What are some fun things you do to bring positive energy and good vibes, especially in recent months pertaining to our current circumstances?

CJ: Speaking of blessing plants, creating a positive environment always brings positive vibes so the Caliva shaman is on point! I think practicing self-awareness has been one of the most challenging and rewarding things I do to bring positive energy and good vibes.

Discovering the power within in and shifting my habitual routine to empowering myself has been fun.

I’ve preached work/life balance and manifesting your dreams for years. But, what happens when there is a domino effect of external circumstances that in a lot of aspects strip you of your power? Discovering the power within in and shifting my habitual routine to empowering myself has been fun. From journaling, to creating a positive environment, to rewarding myself in different ways. It’s been awesome! It’s a process you know? But a rewarding process when you can practice mindfulness.

There is still that widespread western belief of “work so hard, grind until you drop, don’t waste a second” mentality that brings so much self-imposed negativity. When you’re practicing mindfulness and self- improvement, putting in the same amount of commitment you do in your work, your work actually improves quite a bit, and it happens naturally. So in the end, taking out more time to love myself has been the funnest thing I’ve done.

Does cannabis help to inspire you to be creative?

CJ: Sometimes! I think one of the benefits of using cannabis is that it shifts you in a more present mindset and for me it helps offer some relaxation and relief. So, that allows me the space to feel more free to express myself naturally.

Terpenes are like aromas that help to create the taste and smell to enhance the effects of Fresh Flower Vapes. What are some food and cannabis pairings you enjoy? Any favorite pairing recipes?

CJ: I like pairing my vapes with fresh fruit because I can feel the enhancement effects of tasting the sensualness of fruit. Strawberries, mandarin oranges, and grapefruits especially. It’s so soothing and rewarding. I love it.

Follow CJ on Instagram at @cjjohnsonjr.

Follow CJ on Instagram at @cjjohnsonjr.

No matter how you choose to enjoy your cannabis, the feeling you get when you encounter your happy moment is unmistakable. What does your happy moment look like or feel like?

CJ: I think taking a moment to be grateful for life and all the small rewarding gifts it has to offer without you knowing. Especially during tough and uncertain times we’re facing right now. I always like to keep things in perspective. I always ask people what’s your worst experience? Your bad memory? That time you felt completely hopeless and thought you weren’t going to survive... then I follow it up by asking, did you survive? The answer is always “yes”, right? If you survived that you can survive anything. Keeping that in mind when you’re upset or even appreciating the life you have now when you have a moment to yourself to just let out an extended breath. I remember one time I was sharing a vape pen with one of my favorite people in the world. We just laughed and talked all night about the most random things. Moments like that I wouldn’t trade away for anything in the entire world.

Adrienne Airhart – @craydrienne

Adrienne Airhart is a comedian, cannabis and linguistics expert. A former professional dancer, she moved to Los Angeles in 2013 to pursue a career in stand-up comedy and writing. Adrienne starred in her own web series and hosts a variety of stand-up shows all over Los Angeles. She is also the Director of Operations at a cannabis dispensary in Sherman Oaks and a frequent podcast guest.


Caliva has a shaman who blesses their plants with good vibes every Wednesday. What are some fun things you do to bring positive energy and good vibes, especially in recent months pertaining to our current circumstances?

Adrienne: Good vibes are hard to come by these days, but getting projects done around the house is definitely a mood booster for me. I like to stay productive. Sometimes I need assistance in the form of a solid sativa, and other times an indica helps me dome out and be more peaceful and relaxed about my project. Being calm and still has helped me stay sane through this pandemic.

Does cannabis help to inspire you to be creative?

Adrienne: My creativity is alive without help, but cannabis kicks it into overdrive. Sometimes my mind races with ideas and other times I have slow, meandering thoughts that lead me somewhere amazing. Vibing with my partner while I’m coming up always results in some great content!

You know exactly how you are going to feel and for someone with anxiety that is just absolutely precious.

Does cannabis help to inspire you to be creative?

Adrienne: My creativity is alive without help, but cannabis kicks it into overdrive. Sometimes my mind races with ideas and other times I have slow, meandering thoughts that lead me somewhere amazing. Vibing with my partner while I’m coming up always results in some great content!


Terpenes are like aromas that help to create the taste and smell to enhance the effects of Fresh Flower Vapes. What are some food and cannabis pairings you enjoy? Any favorite pairing recipes?

Adrienne: As far as food and cannabis pairings go, I’m a big fan of mangoes before smoking indicas and lemonade as I take in sativas. The myrcene in the mango really kicks the indica body-high feeling up a notch, and the citrus from the lemonade activates the limonene I can feel on my tongue from strong sativas. I love French Fries with a strong beta caryophyllene strain as salt and pepper always go well together.

Have you used Caliva products before?

Adrienne: I’ve used Caliva products before and love them. Having oil made from true cannabis derived terpenes is rare and the results are both palpable and tangible within my body. I appreciate the time and effort they put into each batch and the true strain profiles represented in their products. You know exactly how you are going to feel and for someone with anxiety that is just absolutely precious.

No matter how you choose to enjoy your cannabis, the feeling you get when you encounter your happy moment is unmistakable. What does your happy moment look like or feel like?

Adrienne: My happy moment when I’m using cannabis is laughter and connection. When I feel like a problem isn’t that big, or I can see the humor in a tough situation, I know it’s doing its thing and I treasure those moments. Or, as a comedian, when I try a new bit on some friends when I’m high it usually kills because I’m so in tune with them, myself, and my thoughts

Follow Adrienne on Instagram at @craydrienne.

Follow Adrienne on Instagram at @craydrienne.

Breaking the stigma is my main motivation in the industry, which I do by just existing, loving the plant, and remaining judgment-free.

Is anything else you'd like to include about your relationship with cannabis/vaping?

Adrienne: I’m a vampire cannabis user; I pretty much only consume at night. I never perform high unless the show is a weed show, and I don’t work while high. I never judge anyone that does, and I love that the community is full of all types of users who are free to be themselves. Just because I don’t wake and bake doesn’t mean I’m a stoner and just because someone does doesn’t mean they are unsuccessful. Breaking the stigma is my main motivation in the industry, which I do by just existing, loving the plant, and remaining judgment-free. And not pressuring anyone to consume! It’s all love. Boss ladies smoke weed, too *wink*

Desi Unzueta – @desaraegabrielle

Desi is a senior software engineer based in Los Angeles. She creates apps for users of all ages and familiarity, and is the founder of Women in STEM Society – a social, resource and support community for women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math). Desi founded a female centric music magazine and landed a distribution deal at Barnes and Noble. She is also a frequent keynote speaker at various tech-conferences.

Caliva has a shaman who blesses their plants with good vibes every Wednesday. What are some fun things you do to bring positive energy and good vibes, especially in recent months pertaining to our current circumstances?

Desi: I’m a big proponent of burning sage to create a new and light environment every few days. It’s a helpful mental and soulful exercise — cleansing the bad out of my living space, especially with how much turmoil the world is living in. Beyond that, I use music as a tool for healing in the current climate —- I turn on my Spotify, connect it to my Bluetooth speaker and dance the bad vibes away.

Some creative new business ventures as well as creative outlets for my soul have come from nights of hitting vape pens.

Does cannabis help to inspire you to be creative?

Desi: Yes! Cannabis has been a helpful tool for me for a few years now — being able to relax after a long day at work by quieting my mind with strains of indica has led me on a path of ideation — some creative new business ventures as well as creative outlets for my soul have come from nights of hitting vape pens.

Follow Desi on Instagram at @desaraegabrielle.

Follow Desi on Instagram at @desaraegabrielle.

Terpenes are like aromas that help to create the taste and smell to enhance the effects of Fresh Flower Vapes. What are some food and cannabis pairings you enjoy? Any favorite pairing recipes?

Desi: I tend to drink a lot of cannabis tea, sodas, as well as dessert items. I can’t pass up a chocolate chip cookie or sour gummy!

My anxiety has improved tenfold since using cannabis.

No matter how you choose to enjoy your cannabis, the feeling you get when you encounter your happy moment is unmistakable. What does your happy moment look like or feel like?

Desi: My happy moment can be described as feeling relaxed and at ease after enjoying cannabis at night. The feeling of contentment is unparalleled!

Is there anything else you'd like to include about your relationship with cannabis/vaping?

Desi: My anxiety has improved tenfold since using cannabis. It definitely has upped my quality of life!

Emma Schlichting – @emmaschlick

Born and raised in Marin County, California, Emma is an artist and creator of things. Her creativity is inspired by the natural beauty of the west coast and she creates three-dimensional art using materials such as wood, vinyl, and electroluminescent wires. Emma moved to Los Angeles in 2018 where she current resides, to pursue a career as a plus-size model. Her mission is to make everyone feel beautiful and welcome, no matter their size, age, skin color or background.


Caliva has a shaman who blesses their plants with good vibes every Wednesday. What are some fun things you do to bring positive energy and good vibes, especially in recent months pertaining to our current circumstances?

Emma: I’ve been bringing positive energy to my community by protesting with the Black Lives Matter movement throughout LA and the Bay Area. Banding together with thousands of activists, I’ve marched across the Golden Gate Bridge, chanted my way from pier to pier in Venice/Santa Monica, and spent countless afternoons by city hall in DTLA.

Cannabis has been the force behind some of my favorite projects.

While there is some negative media attention and attitude toward protesters, the amount of energy and positivity in these places is insurmountable. This movement has shown me what can happen when everyone brings their passion and spirit together for a cause that’s bigger than all of us. At these gatherings, you can find all kinds of good vibes including sage burning, prayer circles, and people uniting over shared cannabis.

Does cannabis help to inspire you to be creative?

Emma: Cannabis has always been a great way to for me to get in touch with my creative side. From getting high before ceramic classes to hotboxing my college dorm closet and painting a dinosaur on the wall, cannabis has been the force behind some of my favorite projects.


Lately, my cannabis fueled creativity has manifested in gardening and decorating. A lot of people started their quarantine gardens a few months ago and I’m not ashamed to say I was one of them. I’ve always loved plants and there’s something so therapeutic about digging your hands in the soil and designing an environment for plants to thrive in, especially when cannabis is involved. As my plant collection grew, I had to get creative and sometimes literally think outside the box when it came to finding vessels in which to plant my plants. My most creative piece was a hanging planter made with my old bicycle fender, complete with macrame accents. I’ve used this surge of creativity to make my home somewhere I feel safe and energized and I find that surrounding myself with plants is one way I can do that (and cannabis is definitely a plant I like to be around)!

When we’re all together in our apartment, snuggled up on the couch smoking joints... we’re able to let the fear and uncertainty of the outside world fall to the wayside.

Terpenes are like aromas that help to create the taste and smell to enhance the effects of Fresh Flower Vapes. What are some food and cannabis pairings you enjoy? Any favorite pairing recipes?

Emma: While I love trying different terpenes with foods, for me every terpene goes well with chocolate. Perhaps it’s my origin story of diving into the world of edibles before ever smoking cannabis, but cannabis and chocolate will always go hand in hand for me.

When it comes to meals, I think of pairing cannabis as similar to pairing wine with food. Like a light sauvignon blanc or Pinot Grigio, a fruit forward sativa might pair well with lighter foods like salads, chicken or fish, whereas a deeper foresty indica pairs nicely with heavier foods like a full bodied red wine would. All that being said, I think there’s no wrong way to consume cannabis and everyone should do what makes them enjoy their high to the fullest, even if that means just munching on chips and guac.

You can follow Emma (and Harriet) on instagram at @emmaschlick.

No matter how you choose to enjoy your cannabis, the feeling you get when you encounter your happy moment is unmistakable. What does your happy moment look like or feel like?

Emma: My happy moment has looked so different over the years, but it currently looks like comfort. With Covid-19, there’s a lot of anxiety around the world and I’ve found that there’s nothing more soothing than being safe at home with my roommate, Nick, and our dog Harriet (and the many plants). When we’re all together in our apartment, snuggled up on the couch smoking joints, taking bong rips, or munchin’ on edibles (except Harriet of course), we’re able to let the fear and uncertainty of the outside world fall to the wayside and find our happy place at home with the people, plants, and food we love.

Jeff Danzer – @jeffthe420chef

Dubbed “The Julia Child of Weed”, Jeff works with cannabis in ways that no other cannabis chef in the world does. He rose to prominence as one of the world’s top cannabis chefs by using molecular gastronomy and culinary deconstruction to reinvent the cannabis consumption experience. Jeff has been featured in publications such as Vice, The Daily Beast, Huffington Post and Newsweek. He’s also the author of The 420 Gourmet Cookbook. Jeff’s mission is simple: to make cooking with cannabis simple and easy for everyone and to bring the cannabis consumption experience into the mainstream.

Follow the recipe below to make Jeff’s Strawberry-Lemon Kush Bars, a delicious match with our Sour Diesel Lemon Kush Fresh Flower Vape.

[Cannabis] has given me the ability to open my eyes and think beyond what exists.
Jeff headshot.jpg

Terpenes are like aromas that help to create the taste and smell to enhance the effects of Fresh Flower Vapes. What are some food and cannabis pairings you enjoy? Any favorite pairing recipes?

Jeff: I already pair foods containing natural matching Terpenes with an edible/smoke experience. Any favorite pairing recipes? Lemon Bars paired with a Limonene rich strain like Black Lime or Super Lemon Haze and Pesto pasta with Pinene rich strains like Jack Herer and Blue Dream.

No matter how you choose to enjoy your cannabis, the feeling you get when you encounter your happy moment is unmistakable. What does your happy moment look like or feel like?

Jeff: Calm, Gratitude, Understanding and immense Appreciation for everyone and everything around me couple with the desire to create something special.

Is anything else you'd like to include about your relationship with cannabis/vaping?

Jeff: Cannabis has always allowed me to remove the blinders- to see things a lot more clearly for what they really are and what they can be, instead of what others expect me to perceive or do. It has given me the ability to open my eyes and think beyond what exists – to see things that can be done creatively in any situation without distraction. It had also brought me much closer to my kids (I smile with my 2 younger ones regularly, they are 20 and 25) and it Opens my heart and mind to be grateful for everything and everyone around me.

Strawberry-Lemon Kush Bars Cookbook photo.jpeg


Prep time: 2 hours and 20 minutes
Cook time: 45 minutes
Refrigeration time: 90 minutes
Makes 12 servings

Approximate THC per serving*
10%: 3.8 mg
15%: 5.7 mg
20%: 7.7 mg

Ingredients for the topping (make this first)

  • 1/2 cup raw cane sugar

  • 1/2 cup water

  • 1/2 pint strawberries, rinsed and sliced thin

  • 1/2 lemon, cut into small triangular wedges

For more of Jeff’s delightful creations, follow him at @jeffthe420chef on Instagram.

For more of Jeff’s delightful creations, follow him at @jeffthe420chef on Instagram.

For the crust

  • 1/2 stick creamy canna-butter, plus 1/2 stick unsalted grass-fed butter, softened

  • 1/4 cup cane sugar

  • 1/3 cup all-purpose flour

  • 1/3 cup pastry flour

  • 1/8 teaspoon salt

For the filling

  • 2 eggs

  • 2/3 cup raw cane sugar

  • 3 tablespoons flour

  • Zest from 1 whole lemon

  • 1 Meyer lemon, juiced

  • Juice of 1/2 lime

  • 1/2 cup buttermilk

To make the topping

  • Preheat oven to 200°F.

  • In a small saucepan over medium-high heat, bring sugar and 1/2 cup water to boil, stirring until the sugar has dissolved. Remove from heat and let cool completely. Dip the strawberries and lemon wedges into the syrup and place on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Bake for 2 hours, until the fruit is dried but still colorful. (The lemon wedges should be bright yellow and the strawberries bright red.)

    To make the crust

  • Grease the bottom and sides of an 11-by-7 inch baking pan.

  • In a large bowl, mix together the butters and can sugar. Add the flour, pastry flour, and salt and blend. Press dough evenly into the buttered pan to fill the bottom. bake 15 to 18 minutes, until golden.

    To make the crust

  • In a large bowl, whisk the eggs and sugar until smooth. Add the flour, lemon zest, lemon juice, lime juice and buttermilk. Beatr until smooth and no lumps of flour remain. Pour the filling over the baked crust.

  • Bake 20 to 25 minutes until the top looks set and edges begin to turn a light golden brown. Remove from the oven and place in the refrigerator for 90 minutes, until cold and set.

  • Using a sharp knife, cut into 12 pieces, top with candied strawberry and lemon slices, serve.

*Approximate dose per serving is based on infiusing 5 grams of cuired/dried/decarbed cannabis into 1 ⅓ sticks of butter.

Keston Mendoza – @keston_mendoza

Keston Mendoza is a Crossfit athlete and trainer based in Los Angeles. She moved to California 6 years ago to pursue a career as a professional athlete. She is currently studying as a graphic design and photography major. An avid world traveler, Keston is (not so) patiently waiting for the world to reopen again.

[Cannabis] gives me the little push I need to go out of my comfort zone sometimes.
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Caliva has a shaman who blesses their plants with good vibes every Wednesday. What are some fun things you do to bring positive energy and good vibes, especially in recent months pertaining to our current circumstances?

Keston: I'm all about the good vibes and high energy, so it's awesome to hear that an actual shaman comes in to bless Caliva's plants. I've been implementing a lot of meditation, along with really pushing my creative boundaries these past few months when we have been quarantined at home. Staying connected to my friends as much as possible always puts me in a great mood as well.

Does cannabis help to inspire you to be creative?

Keston: For me cannabis and creativity go hand in hand. Cannabis helps my brain relax, let go of all the boundaries, and gives me the little push I need to go out of my comfort zone sometimes.

Terpenes are like aromas that help to create the taste and smell to enhance the effects of Fresh Flower Vapes. What are some food and cannabis pairings you enjoy? Any favorite pairing recipes?

Keston: I'm not sure why cannabis and smoothies go so well together for me, but they just do. Right now it's full blown summer time in California. Smoothies, cannabis, and the California sun just hit differently this time of year!

Follow Keston on Instagram at @keston_mendoza.

Follow Keston on Instagram at @keston_mendoza.

No matter how you choose to enjoy your cannabis, the feeling you get when you encounter your happy moment is unmistakable. What does your happy moment look like or feel like?

Cannabis has been crucial to my sleep routine and muscle recovery after my daily workouts.

Keston: Ohhh my happy moment! My happy moment looks a lot like me falling back into my bed, bundling up in my soft sheets, deep diving into photography travel books, letting my imagination soar, and a heck of a lot of smiling. :)

Is anything else you'd like to include about your relationship with cannabis/vaping?

Keston: My relationship with cannabis actually started not too long ago! I'm so glad that I got into a routine of using it though. Cannabis has been crucial to my sleep routine and muscle recovery after my daily workouts.

Alice & Clark – @thathighcouple

Alice & Clark are a newlywed canna-couple that originally met over their passion for getting stoned together. After attending numerous cannabis events together, they decided to document their adventures and teach newbies the hemp ropes on their YouTube channel. Three years later, their love for sharing an inside look into the wonderful world of weed hasn't diminished, and neither has their high.

Whether it’s photography, editing, or writing, there’s nothing like a lit joint by your side to keep you in the creative lane.
Follow Alice and Clark on Instagram at @thathighcouple.

Follow Alice and Clark on Instagram at @thathighcouple.

Caliva has a shaman who blesses their plants with good vibes every Wednesday. What are some fun things you do to bring positive energy and good vibes, especially in recent months pertaining to our current circumstances?

A&C: We're very grateful to be spending our very first quarantine together as newlyweds. It's given us an opportunity to dive into our passion for TV and movies. Clark just introduced Alice to The Office, laughing always helps keep the good vibes up.

Does cannabis help to inspire you to be creative?

A&C: Absolutely! Even more so than inspiring creativity, cannabis helps block out the distractions, both physically and mentally, to help us stay focused on the work. Whether it's photography, editing, or writing, there's nothing like a lit joint by your side to keep you in the creative lane.

Have you used Caliva products before?

A&C: We have a friend that lives outside of San Jose that first introduced us to Caliva! It has such a fantastic California vibe to it. Branding always pops off the shelf and the product quality was consistently high every time.

A buttery Chardonnay with a velvety sweet Blue Dream is like drinking a cupcake.

Terpenes are like aromas that help to create the taste and smell to enhance the effects of Fresh Flower Vapes. What are some food and cannabis pairings you enjoy? Any favorite pairing recipes?

A&C: Nothing beats a late-night munchie snack of pineapple and mango with Tajin and lime juice, but people are sleeping on the amazing drink and weed pairings available. A buttery Chardonnay with a velvety sweet Blue Dream is like drinking a cupcake.

No matter how you choose to enjoy your cannabis, the feeling you get when you encounter your happy moment is unmistakable. What does your happy moment look like or feel like?

A&C: Our happy moment looks exactly like our sleepy cat, stretching in the window sunlight after a solid nap only to realize that he's stuck in back- to-back naps all day – poor thing! We love living that happy cuddly cat life!

Josh Wright – @wrjght_

Josh Wright is a true content creator, sharing his clothing designs, photography and fashion-oriented lifestyle to inspire others. Growing up with Crohn’s Disease, Josh has used cannabis medically since the age of 15 as a way to cope with his condition. He is the founder of an LA-based streetwear company Vicissitude, and is inspired by the growing acceptance of marijuana as a way of life.


Caliva has a shaman who blesses their plants with good vibes every Wednesday. What are some fun things you do to bring positive energy and good vibes, especially in recent months pertaining to our current circumstances?

Josh: Some fun things I do to vibe out are dance and sing like nobody’s business! I tend to have a soundtrack playing at all times throughout the day. Music helps center me in my work and just enjoy each moment. I find peace within memories tied to old tracks, and hope within new ones.

Growing up with Crohn’s Disease, it was borderline impossible for me to have an appetite or stomach anything unless I had smoked.

Does cannabis help to inspire you to be creative?

Josh: Absolutely. Having an open and relaxed mind allows for the most genuine of work to be produced.

Terpenes are like aromas that help to create the taste and smell to enhance the effects of Fresh Flower Vapes. What are some food and cannabis pairings you enjoy? Any favorite pairing recipes?

Follow Josh on Instagram at @wrjght_.

Follow Josh on Instagram at @wrjght_.

Josh: I’m not sure there is ANY situation where cannabis would be unfit to pair with food! Growing up with Crohn’s Disease, it was borderline impossible for me to have an appetite or stomach anything unless I had smoked. Nowadays (in remission), my go-to meal is Coconut Chicken & Rice. You can’t beat that salty/sweet combo - not to mention the gains!

Have you used Caliva products before?

Josh: Yes, I have! I get the Alien OG quite often being a heavy indica fan – I also get the Blackjack sativa.

No matter how you choose to enjoy your cannabis, the feeling you get when you encounter your happy moment is unmistakable. What does your happy moment look like or feel like?

Josh: As a creative, I sometimes struggle with anxiety when juggling the tangents of entrepreneurship. My happy moment feels like a deep breath of fresh air. Letting go of any negative energy and just soaking up life and God's blessings.